A proposal for Python type definition inspired by Haskells algebraic data types. By using the representative power of algebra to define types in Python one attains a low clutter view of the composed types for variables/arguments and return types.

It’s not claiming to be able to represent any composed type (yet), but that is not the main goal of it.


Inline to aid the coming-back-next-month scenario

books = map(get_address_book, people)  # :: [{name :: str: number :: str}]
alternative_books = map(get_address_book, people)  # :: [{str: str}]

A deeper understanding of the datatype for the arguments and returned value from the documentation.

def foo(books):
    """Documentation about the function/method as usual.

    books :: [{name :: str: number :: str}]
        Documentation about the variable as usual.

    n_contacts :: [int]
        Documentation about the variable as usual.

    return map(len, books)

This compared to, if any type definition at all, for example the numpy standard way of doing it.

def foo(books):
    """Documentation about the function/method as usual.

    books : list
        Documentation about the variable as usual.

    n_contacts : list
        Documentation about the variable as usual.

    return map(len, books)

Instead of thinking for your own, or writing it down in plain text in the documentation n_books is a list of integers you have a compact and stringent way to write composed types that minimizes the mental clutter.


Is of type

N :: T: The name N is of type T


T1 | T2: It is either of type T1 or T2, which tells that the code must be guarded for both types. Associative operation which makes T1 | T2 | T3 | ... unambiguous. An useful (and unfortunately common) use is T|None, i.e. nullable.


T -> R: A function which takes one argument of type T and returns a value of type R. For other number of arguments 0 to n: -> R (or *() -> R), T -> R (or *(T1, ) -> R), *(T1, T2) -> R, *(T1, T2, ..., Tn) -> R. The syntax for this is still under consideration, see notes on “Work needed to be done”.


(T1, T2): A tuple with the inner types T1 and T2. Extends to (), (T1, ), (T1, T2), (T1, T2, T3), (T1, ..., Tn).


[E]: A sequence with elements of type E. See note about sequences under “Work needed to be done”.


{E}: A set with elements of type E.


{K: V}: A dictionary with keys of type K and values of type V.


(T): Grouping works as in mathematics, the expression inside the grouping is evaluated first. Used for non-associative operations like ->.

Example: decorator :: (T -> int) -> (T -> float)


bool: bool, types.BooleanType.

int: int, types.IntType.

float: float, types.FloatType.

str: basestring.

None: types.NoneType.


enumerate :: [T] -> [(count :: int, T)] Where T and the other T is of any and the same type. Could also be used for non-functions zip(a, a) :: [(T, T)]

Pragmatic usage

Stop with names instead of types all the way down service_hooks :: {service: [hook]}, remember readability is key.

Extensions to numpy datatypes

Add the dimensions of the ndarray, in Haskell the ndarray would be parameterized type. Either you have the parameters to be the size in integers (represented by a letter which in turn represents the dimension, as often done in mathematics) or the name of the dimension directly.

timeseries :: ndarray(M, T)

timeseries :: ndarray(feature, time)

runs :: ndarray(run, feature, time)

It’s much easier to verify by eye that you are by for example np.sum(runs, axis=0) actually summing all the runs, or by indexing first_feature = runs[:, 0, :] actually getting the first feature for all runs and times.

One could also add the dtype when it’s a non-float64. timeseries_count :: ndarray(M, T, dtype=int)

def features(data):

    data :: ndarray(time)

    features :: ndarray(feature, time)


    return ...

def nan_feature_count(data):

    data :: ndarray(feature, time)

    features :: ndarray(time, dtype=int)


    return ...

Work needed to be done

Be able to define properties bisect :: *(Sorted [T], T) -> (index :: int)

Handle the consumption difference between iterator and list (or if it doesn’t matter)

Be able to breakout common or long parts out of a definition

dict_utils.reduce :: *([D], reducer :: [V] -> V) -> D
    where D = {K: V}

ordereddict, frozenset and other standard data types with properties. Ordered {K: V}, Frozen {E}.

Default arguments randint :: (seed :: int<0>) -> int, default arguments with “Not set” i.e. None.

*args, **kwargs

For example isinstance and type where you are supposed to use a tuple with variable length. (T, ...)

A mark to differentiate pure (no side-effects) with unpure (side-effects).

Deal with types.EllipsisType, types.ClassType, types.TypeType

if NaN is a possible value for numpy array ndarray(feature|NaN, time).

Type definition examples from the standard library

enumerate :: [T] -> [(int, T)]

int :: int -> int

sorted :: [T] -> [T]

sort :: [T] -> None

zip :: *([T1], ..., [Tn]) -> [(T1, ..., Tn)]

partial :: (T1 ... -> R) -> T1 -> (... -> R)

all :: [T] -> bool

chr :: int -> str

cmp :: *(T, T) -> bool

def groupby(iterable, keyfunc=None):
    """groupby description is put here.

    iterable :: [T]
        iterable description is put here.

    keyfunc :: T -> K
        keyfunc description is put here.

    grouping :: [(K, [T])]
        grouping description is put here.


itertools.takewhile :: *((T -> bool), [T]) -> [T]

itertools.combinations :: *([T], repeat :: int) -> [(T, ...)]

reduce :: *(*(T, T) -> T, [T]) -> T